AllStates Restoration & More provides professional Blind Cleaning services using UltraSonic cleaning technology to homeowners and businesses throughout the TRI-STATE Area including New Jersey, New York, Pennsylvania and Connecticut.
Our certified cleaning specialists can clean many types of window blinds and shades. The cleaning process removes dust, grease, smoke film and stains and then rinses them with a solution to minimize future dust.
Ultrasonic blind cleaning for residential / commercial windows, awnings, mini-blinds and more:
Laminated Metallic Minis
Faux Woods (Composite)
Honeycomb & Pleated Shades
Specialty Shades- Silhouettes
Our goal is to provide a high-quality and convenient ways for you to have your window blinds cleaned. We have created a comprehensive service package which includes:
Take Down
Secure Transport
Ultra Sonic Cleaning blind cleaning system
Return Delivery- (2-3 day turnaround on avrage)
Note: If you have invested in fabric blinds or shades, it is important to have them cleaned periodically. We recommend a careful/light vacuuming at least 1 time a month using a soft brush attachment. If you light candles, please be advised that you will ruin these blinds over time.
If you’re having your windows cleaned, this is the perfect time to add on blind cleaning as part of our complete cleaning project.
First Class Blind Cleaning Q & A
Q: Why should you clean your blinds?
A: There are several reasons why you should clean your blinds and window treatments. Such reasons include:
- ALLERGIES – Helps alleviates dust mites or other irritants that collect on blinds
- SMOKE RESIDUE – Removes nicotine or smoke caused by fire damage
- DIRT & GRIME – Extends the life of your blinds by removing dirt, oils, grease, grime, etc.
Q: What is and why use Ultrasonic Blind Cleaning?
A: Unlike hand cleaning your blinds, ultrasonic blind cleaning
involves submerging your window treatments in
water. Millions of tiny bubbles traveling at rapid speeds bounce
off your blinds, removing dirt, grime, smoke, etc. There is no
manual scrubbing of the blinds. Ultrasonic blind cleaning allows
us to clean your blinds without bending, breaking or scratching them. It also cleans the wands, headrails and cords.
Q: What kind of window treatments can be ultrasonically
A: The following:
- Mini-blinds
- Roller Shades
- Pleated Shades
- Silhouette shades

We’ll help you get your blinds bright and clean. All you have to do is Make The Appointment!